Supportive Housing Programs
Supportive Housing
At Responsibility House, we realize that homelessness, mental illness and substance use disorders are interconnected. To provide our community with more holistic and effective solutions to these problems, we founded our Supportive Housing Program in 2000. Since then, we have gradually expanded the scope of our program. Today we provide safe housing and a range of supportive services to approximately 200 disabled, formerly homeless individuals at any given time.
Housing First
Our Supportive Housing Program is based on the Housing First model. ‘Housing First’ is a methodology built on the idea that moving people directly from the streets and shelters into their own permanent homes saves lives and provides those living with mental illness, addictions, or other disabilities with the assurance of a house to go home to. With permanent housing, these individuals can begin to regain the self-confidence and control over their lives and their activities that they lost when they became homeless.
Supportive Services
The second and equally important element of our approach consists of our array of supportive services provided by our dedicated case managers. Working together, the case manager and the client develop a plan to begin and sustain a stable, productive life. Case managers provide or facilitate a wide range of services, from evaluating the need for mental health treatment to working out a monthly budget. Without regular health care treatment for substance use disorders or mental health issues, or education about the basics of household management, chronically homeless clients generally are not able to sustain their housing. With the compassionate support of their case managers, however, clients can turn their lives around.
Eligibility Criteria
To become a client in the Supportive Housing Program, you must be:
- Chronically homeless,
- Disabled, and
- Extremely low income
- Referred through the Coordinated Entry System through UNITY of Greater New Orleans, 2407 Baronne Street, New Orleans, LA 504.899.4589
For more information, please call 504.366.6217 or email [email protected]